On January 15, 2019 TA, the Fellowship of the Ring fought their way out of Moria, and lost Gandalf to the Balrog of Morgoth. Honestly, that part never made me terribly sad, because even when I read it for the very first time, I knew somehow that he couldn't be dead. Not really. The part that makes me miserable is right after, when they are outside of Moria, and that wonderful piece of music begans to play. Its very sad.
In the year 2995 TA, Eowyn of Rohan was born.
Of course, we all love Eowyn. And if she hadn't been around, Middle Earth would have been in trouble, because she wouldn't have killed the Witch King of Angmar, and the Witch King would have killed Gandalf. And Gandalf wouldn't have been able to talk to the eagles and tell them about Frodo, so the eagles wouldn't have gone to get Frodo. So Frodo and Sam would have died. And if it wasn't for Frodo and Sam, Merry and Pippin's hot hotheadedness would have caused them to fight well and die well, but ultimately lose the Shire. And Saruman would have lived much longer. Also Faramir would never have found love or happiness. And Eomer wouldn't have had a sister. And Theoden wouldn't have had a niece. Also Merry wouldn't have gotten to go fight. You get the idea. Eowyn is quite important.

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