On January 13th 3019, in the early hours of the day, the company is attacked by wolves. And by nightfall, they have reached the gates of Moria. At this point, Gollum begins to follow them.
In the year 2991, Eomer of Rohan was born. And we all love Eomer. His helmet is AWESOME by the way.
For those of you who don't know, Eomer married Lothiriel, Daughter of Imrahil of Dol Amroth.
Appendix A>>Annals of the Kings and Rulers>> II. The House of Eorl>>The Kings of the Mark>>Third Line>>Eomer Eadig
"Eomer became a great king, and being young when he succeeded Theoden he reigned for sixty-five years, longer than all the kings before him save Aldor the Old. In the War of the Ring he made the friendship of King Elessar, and of Imrahil of Dol Amroth; and he rode often to Gondor. In the last year of the Third Age he wedded Lothiriel, daughter of Imrahil. Their son Elfwine the Fair ruled after him."

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