July 22 3019 TA
The funeral escort of King Theoden sets out."Then the kings of Gondor and Rohan went to the Hallows and they came to the tombs in Rath Dinen, and they bore away King Theoden upon a golden bier, and passed through the City in silence. Then they laid the bier upon a great wain with Riders of Rohan about it and his banner borne before; and Merry being Theoden's esquire rode upon the wain and kept the arms of the king."

(Lest there should be any confusion or matter of rights and whatnot, all quotes in this post are from The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, unless otherwise mentioned. There may be slight errors, misspellings, or alternate punctuation in the quotes, and if you notice such, please inform me so that I can speedily remedy them. But I think the fact that I made this blog proves that I would never intentionally change something of Tolkien's in the transcribing of it.)
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