I am pretty sure that most Christians agree that Jesus came out of the East. Hence the name Easter.
So why did Tolkien, a very devout Christian, put the most terrible and evil place in the books, in the East? In The Lord of the Rings, everything bad, unpleasant and horrible comes from the East. However, the only hope for Middle Earth lies in the East also (the destruction of the Ring). The greatest threat and the only hope are in the same place. You could arguably say that Jesus and the Devil come from the same place in a way, they both came from Heaven originally. And I can bet that the whole time Jesus was on Earth, Satan was following Him around, trying to find a way to stop Him, or something to that effect. He failed, obviously, but the point remains. So you could, in some strange fashion tie these ramblings together, and make a decent enough reason for putting Mordor in the East. But wait! Tolkien disliked allegory. And (I could be wrong, but its a good idea) it is much more likely that Tolkien (from what I know of him) would have put Mordor in the East simply because there wasn't a real reason. He probably put Mordor in the East to avoid the allegory that a lot of people try to attach to his works, especially the behind the book nonsense that there would of been had Mordor been in the West. Of course it could have been some completely different reason. Or a combination of the two. But there was a reason. Morder didn't just happen to wind up in the East by accident, if you read closely and pay attention, it is wuite easy to see that Tolkien really did put a lot of thought into the matter. Mordor's direction was a carefully made a deliberate decision. And he must have had some reason, whatever it may be.

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