In the year 2983 TA, Faramir of Gondor was born. Dear Faramir, that sweet and gentle youth with a really really despicable father. (Let us try to be kind.)
There really isn't much to say about Faramir. As we know, he married Eowyn of Rohan, and they kept the line of Stewards going. He was also made Lord of Ithilien. He lived a long and happy life with his beloved. Was greatly favored by the king. Was honored and respected by the people of Gondor...etc etc. He was kind of old during the whole War of the Ring, about 35, but Tolkien didn't mention the year of his death in the Tale of the Years. But he said when he was born, so there we have that.
Oh my, this is a coincidence. It was on October 24th that Boromir arrived at Rivendell. Also it was today that Frodo recovered and awakened.

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