THE DAY: The Council of Elrond
October 25th, 3018 TA, The Council of Elrond. Okay, so this is the longest chapter in the book, I love it, but I know that a lot of people find it slightly boring. The point being, I have no idea how to talk about it in this post. But it was a pivotal moment. Now, in the movie, the nine companions thing just sort of happens...but in the book, there is a lot of time passing before that. Seeing as the council is October 25th and they did not leave Rivendell until December 25th (Christmas day! The savior set out to save us, as Frodo and the Fellowship set out to save Middle Earth. It would take Jesus 33 years to complete his journey, though, and Frodo only 13 months. Exactly one 3rd though) So, at the council, Frodo agrees to take the Ring, and Gandalf decides to go with him. After a bit, Elrond decides that there should be nine companions, so he takes a look at all the people there, and chooses seven more. Gimli the Dwarf to represent all Dwarves. Legolas to represent his people, and in a way, all elves. Gandalf, because Gandalf is very powerful, because he is a Wizard and represents them, because he would have gone anyway, regardless of what Elrond decided. And because he is Gandalf. Boromir to represent Gondor and the Race of Men (he thinks) and Aragorn, to represent Gondor and the Race of men..wait a minute....
Samwise because Gandalf urged him too, and because Sam would not be parted from his master, and because Sam would have gone anyway...(he and Gandalf...tsk tsk tsk).
And, in the book, Gandalf and Elrond (long after the actual council) argued about the last two companions. And it was a close shave for Merry and Pippin. But they got in. And THUS was born the Fellowship. But I can see why Sir Peter Jackson did what he did, because lets face it, when you make a movie, you HAVE to shorten and cut some things. Especially things like the Council of Elrond.
2984 TA
Ecthelion II dies, and Denethor II becomes Steward of Gondor. Not very interesting. I don't like Denethor.

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